The Editorial “Food for thought” points out “Pennsylvania ranks 31st in the nation in terms of food insecurity, according to the Food Research and Action Center.” It concludes “Nearly one-sixth of the nation’s families face hunger. This is a curable problem. All it requires is a sensible policy to make sure everyone has enough food to eat.”

An accompanying political cartoon “Hunger in America Report” shows a bag of “empty calories, high fat salty snack” and a “Jumbo sweet Drink” with the comment “Overweight Americans Starving to Death.”

WATCHDOG: It is the combination of the two that earns three wags of the tail. If one has only four dollars to spend for dinner, which would he or she choose: A veggie wrap at Subway (which they no longer offer) or a double quarter pounder with cheese at McDonalds? So poverty may not lead to starvation, but it mandates a diet poor in nutrition.

Updated: December 1, 2009 — 1:25 pm