An editorial “History Is Calling” sets forth Everybody’s making a fuss over Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe, whose vote helped send the Senate Finance Committee’s health reform plan to the full Senate.

“‘When history calls,’ she said, ‘history calls.’… Snowe’s vote, of course, is seen by some Republicans as heresy. To them, she’s a RINO – a Republican In Name Only.

“Apparently, so are Bob Dole, Bill Frist, Chuck Hagel and Tommy Thompson The first three are former U.S. senators, while Thompson served as secretary of Health and Human Services under George W. Bush. All are Republicans.”

WATCHDOG: We partially heard an interview with Dr. Frist, either on NPR or C-Span radio, and he did not seem  in favor.

Updated: October 18, 2009 — 1:25 am