In its “Swan Song” as separate from the New Era, the June 26 editorial “Turning the page” states: “For the past 81 years, the two daily newspapers – the Intelligencer Journal and Lancaster New Era – have existed under a single ownership. During that time, they competed to provide readers with the latest and most complete information.”

WATCHDOG: If only it were true! Unfortunately, earlier this decade, Chair John M. Buckwalter and President, Harold E. Miller, self servingly “whored” the news and commentary in order to bring about a highly controversial and somewhat dubious convention Center Project.

They not only may have seriously impaired the financial stability of the City of Lancaster for decades to come (no real estate taxes, high service expenses, a $12 million debt guarantee on the hotel), but they drove two conscientious county commissioners out of office through propaganda, misrepresentations, and publishing downright misinformation. They trashed the reputation for integrity their predecessors had built over the decades!

Concerning the “dozen journalists – many of whom have won state and regional awards – are being laid off.” If there is one real reporter among them along the lines of the Sunday News Gil Smart, let the person apply to NewsLanc. We likely pay better and he/she will have an opportunity to practice true journalism.

Updated: June 26, 2009 — 4:28 pm


  1. How self-serving were the New Era 6/25 and intell 6/26 editorials…………..

    Receiving awards when the competition is so small (how many other afternoon papers exist state-wide??) To arrogantly claim that they provide the best coverage……..there are no other papers to turn to.

    There is no ‘moderation’ in the morning paper…….it is as staunchly Democrat as the evening paper is staunchly Republican. Unfortunately, the Sunday New is simply staunchly self-serving.

    As far as Gil Smart goes…………the sooner, the better.

  2. Perfect!

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