June 20. Sub headline: “Residents oppose F&M backed plan”

WATCHDOG: This “pup” has probably had a lot more experience than the Intell reporter with such meetings with many scars to show for it.

The ‘opposition’ was relatively muted and issues raised thoroughly and, as far as the preponderance of the audience was concerned, satisfactorily responded to. A few neighbors that live closer than the rest showed understandable irritation, but even a leader of The Rail Road Action and Advisory Committee (TRRAAC) expressed support for the project, albeit some discomfort.

Also Watchdog’s count was at least twice the 200 reported by the Intell. There were about 200 at the earlier meeting and perhaps 160 at the later, and people came and went throughout the evening. Except for the Watchdog, most dined at home or at a restaurant.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 11:44 am