“A frivolous proposal” is the title of the Feb. 3 editorial about a proposal for the state to provide a college dedicated totally to academic matters as do community colleges in order to keep costs down.

The article concludes “A whole new tier of colleges isn’t necessary, if we can find a way to make what we already have affordable.”

WATCHDOG: Perhaps the proposal isn’t so “frivolous,” taking into consideration the needs of post college age student as well as those in their late teens who may need to work their way through school or, perhaps due to other obligations, simply don’t seek the social aspect of higher education.

Many students are now taking Internet college courses which do provide occasions for students and instructors to get together. By learning from these successful educational efforts (they make money!)and marrying Internet study with small local schools (as opposed to campuses), the State may find ways to provide economical education to students who simply are not in a position to go off to State College or Temple and to even afford the local campuses.

Updated: May 7, 2009 — 12:03 pm