“Second chance is hard to come by”, is the lead to Jeff Hawkes’ Feb. 3rd column dealing with the housing plight of ‘sex offenders.’

After describing how a social “pariah” froze to death in Michigan because he was refused accommodation at a homeless shelter and mentioning former state Rep. Tom Armstrong’s efforts to provide housing locally, Hawkes addressed the more general problem:

“‘We don’t want (sex offenders) on our welfare rolls,’ [sex-crime researcher Professor Chrysanthi Leon] told me. ‘We want them to support themselves…

“‘The problem is that out of fear, we’re creating unhelpful policies,” Leon said, “and we’re not improving public safety as a result.'”

WATCHDOG: Whatever their other shortcomings, the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. (New Era Editor Ernie Schreiber at times excepted) have long been the voice of enlightenment. The work of Tom Armstrong, Justice & Mercy, and the public forum provided Armstrong by the Rotary Club last week have legitimized civil, rational discussion.

Let’s continue the process!

Updated: May 7, 2009 — 12:04 pm