In his “Bird’s-Eye View” column headed “Gray not about to tip his hand on candidacy”, Dave Pidgeon opines “No rival, either Democrat or Republican (and is there such a thing these days as a city Republican capable of running a successful campaign?), has yet to emerge. However, if there are rancorous public hearings related to the budget, that could change.”

WATCHDOG: We think Pidgeon wrong on two accounts: (1) The big issue by November, 2009 may be the performance of the Convention Center Project. If it falls far short of sponsor expectations and the costs to the City become more apparent, the public will remember that Rick Gray promised to bring parties together and vet the issue if elected. Instead, within days he threw his full support behind the project. (2) R. B. Campbell for one.

Updated: May 8, 2009 — 11:45 am