Editorial A focus on China” observes:

“A sound China policy would not be much different from the policy that subsisted through the 1990s. But during the decade-long distraction caused by Islamist terrorism, China has kept moving while we were distracted.

“Mao rattled nuclear sabres (sic) to bring Taiwan back to China, but the modern People’s Republic is slowly buying up that country. It doesn’t recognize Taiwan, but it extends large business loans to Taiwanese companies to open and expand business on the mainland.”

WATCHDOG: This is a very erudite and profound editorial, a couple of notches above what we would expect even on their best days from the editors of the Intelligencer Journal or other good local newspapers.  Is this original thought or have the editors not acknowledged their sources?  We are not suggesting plagiarism and perhaps this does spring from the knowledge of the writer; at worse, it represents a failure to generously share credit.

Updated: February 6, 2013 — 10:48 am