Editorial Milton Hershey’s HIV-policy redoopines:

“It took a lawsuit being filed, plus admonition from the U.S. Department of Justice, for Milton Hershey School to decide to do the right thing. Still, we applaud the decision.

“In an about-face, Milton Hershey President Anthony Colistra said recently that an HIV-positive boy from the Philadelphia area, denied admission last year because of his condition, is now welcome to attend the boarding school this fall…

’This notion that you can’t put him in residential housing at a school because he is a vector of death is a throwback to 1987, when people were worried you couldn’t mainstream children in any school. It sets back what we know to be true about the disease,’ said Arthur Caplan, director of the Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics.” ….

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail!

Updated: August 23, 2012 — 12:11 pm