In its July 4 lead story “Sen. targets game officials; Takes action after son pleads guilty to violations”, the Intell shows sadly belated courage by finally, in the waning months of Senator Gibson Armstrong’s final term, publishing news that on its face is testimonial of the Senator’s arrogance and disregard of the public good in pursuit of personal goals and vendatives.

WATCHDOG: Armstrong abused his powerful chairmanship of the Senate Appropriation Committee to bully through special legislation to make it possible to constuct the Convention Center Project largely at tax payer expense, thus providing potentially eight digit profits for his cronies, the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. and the High Group. Reciprocating, Lancaster Newspapers gave Armstrong the same special treatment of “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” they allow the Big Five (F & M, Fulton, High, Lancaster General Hospital and itself.)

Can any reader imagine not answering the reasonable questions of a law officer and lying to that officer about not having a fire arm in the vehicle? Can any of us conceive of simply driving away across a field and leaving the officer in our dust?

Does “daddy” object to such actions? No, he condones them! In Sen. Armstrong’s case, he tries to ram through legislation that would gut the ability of the Game Commission to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth. It appears totally retributive. We urge viewers to visit the well written, objective Intell article at and judge for themselves.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 10:52 am