An editorial “Closing loopholes” opines “If there was a theme to ov. Ed Redndell’s final budget, it was ‘close the loopholes.” It concludes “What’s most telling about this budget is that the $2.2 billion to be raised from new revenue sources would be set aside to offset the loss of federal stimulus funds and to tackle the impending boost in public pensions.  Those funds would be available for the next governor.  That’s not just ambitious, it’s responsible.”

WATCHDOG: Some of the suggestions such as plugging the Delaware corporate tax loop hole and taxing the extraction of natural gas deposits are ‘no-brainers’; others such as broadening but lowering the sales tax deserve consideration.  (But let’s not tax newspaper sales, they have problems enough.)  A wag of the tail for Rendell and the Intell editors.

Updated: February 12, 2010 — 12:53 pm