According to a May 26 article headed “N. Y. Times dropped tip on Watergate”, a reporter had lunch with acting FBI director L. Patrick Gray on Aug. 16, 1972 and was told point blank that former attorney general John Mitchell was implicated into the recent break in at the Watergate headquarters of the Democratic Party and was given to understand that President Richard Nixon was also involved. The Times editor, whose book reveals his gaff, did little if anything to follow up!

WATCHDOG: This is instructive on three accounts:

First, it gives evidence that former associated FBI director W. Mark Felt was acting with the consent of Gray (and thus the FBI) when he adopted the role of “Deep Throat” and provided clues to Washington Post reporters that eventually led to the resignation of Nixon.

Second, what was then an incredible blunder by the Times editor, today would be normal practice.  Newspapers, many of which are either in bankruptcy reorganization or trying to avoid it (including the Times), have little if any money for investigations. No matter how large the corruption apparently taking place in Lancaster, the Philadelphia Inquirer would no longer be likely to take note.

Third, in Lancaster the conduct and abuses of the Big Four are not subject to investigation or even questioning by their member, The Lancaster Newspapers.

Updated: June 16, 2009 — 10:39 am