Inquirer Editor’s firing part of larger rift

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: … Insiders say, the ouster of William K. Marimow on Monday was the result of a bubbling struggle among the owners, boldface names of the Philadelphia region’s business, political, and charitable world who formed an unlikely partnership to buy the news company last year.

Leading one side is Lewis Katz, who made his fortune in parking lots and real estate across the region. On the other is South Jersey businessman and Democratic power broker George E. Norcross III…

Norcross has pushed for a greater emphasis on local news, a redesign of The Inquirer, and a digital strategy that elevates the free website while putting most content from the two newspapers on separate websites behind pay walls, according to people familiar with company operations… (more)

EDITOR For analysis and more details, see “Philadelphia Newspaper’s Owners at War” by the New York Times.


1 Comment

  1. George Norcross has been a problem for 3 decades. From the moment he came on the scene, life deteriorated for the people of New Jersey. Camden became the poorest, most deadliest city in America. People became poverty stricken and were reduced to living in tents across from Cooper Hospital. A place that has stolen Billions in Cash from the people. Norcross is not a leader, he is an Egomaniac with an arrogant disposition. He is not to be trusted and is not what he is cracked up to be. He perpetrates a Fraud. This man is Manipulative and is a Sociopath. He is sneaky.

    The only professional thing about Norcross is that he is a Professional LIAR. He knows how to play this business role and at the same time figure out how he can take control of your life. If you do not do as he tells you or if you do not adhere to his cronies who has do his dirty work, then Norcross works on how he can defame and destroy your life. He has the Courts, Judges, Local Police Departments, Elected Officials and certain residents who are employed by county, local and state JOBS that he oversees. He decides who gets fired and who survives his game.

    If he has a tough time firing you, he will find some dirty sneaky way of designing a fall for that person. In some cases, he will use friends and have them set someone up and then use the law enforcement to create and concoct a story that will be full of fabrication and lies. He is able to have courts exhaust your money and create their own laws that are illegal and violate the color of law, but since the AG’s office in NJ just turns a blind eye of justice, Norcross gets away with criminal activity. It is a very Pathetic situation in NJ and the past 4 Governors have allowed this arrogant, immature, childish man who only went one semester in a county college before quitting to bully and beat down innocent people who Norcross destroys for not doing as they were told by him, OR he is out to get even with a person for not doing what an elected friend or political buddy wanted done.

    It’s a very sick situation and the US Justice Department have failed to do their job. The Governor seems to be concerned with getting to the white house and is neglecting the fact that he is relying on a CRIME BOSS to help him achieve that. So many people put their faith and hope in Christie, but he has turned out to be just like the rest of them. Useless for the people. He has turned his back and forgot about those who helped him along the way and went along with the bullies. He is not with the underdogs. Corey Booker is another one who is Hated in Newark among the people. I was surprised to hear how many people were glad to see him leaving. They felt he was just a sellout to the community.

    It appears Booker does what Norcross tells him to do. He will be Norcross’s Federal Connection and together Norcross, Christie and Booker will work on taking over the white house, corruption in all. What Christie and Booker don’t realize is that, Norcross is going to stab them in the back just like they did to those underdogs who believed in them.

    Dirty politics gets you no where in the end. What you plan and plot will fail if you’ve wronged those who stood true. What you reap, you sow. A real leader would have taken down Norcross a long time ago. A follower is a person that is greedy and unable to lead. Norcross is a problematic person and anyone currently or getting involved with this man, is risking his/her integrity. Norcross is an evil entity and everyone should stop doing business with this low down dirty white collar criminal. He’s damaged goods and should be left along and ignored. Nothing good comes from a SOCIOPATH.

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