Inquirer Editorial: Sestak puts good ideas first

(Editor’s note:  According to the Associated Press, the Inquirer has formally endorsed Joe Sestake for the U. S. Senate. )

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:  From health care to Social Security to bank bailouts, the candidates for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat are polar opposites…

In a Sestak campaign ad, Toomey says that his voting record in the House was “indistinguishable” from that of conservative former Sen. Rick Santorum. Actually, Toomey was being modest. His voting record was even more conservative than Santorum’s, whose far-right views were rejected by voters in a landslide in 2006. Toomey’s personality may not be as abrasive as Santorum’s, but his votes would rub a majority of Pennsylvanians the wrong way.

Sestak has moderate, reasonable ideas for promoting clean energy and providing small businesses with incentives to create more jobs. In the Senate, Sestak’s views would be much more in line with most Pennsylvanians…  (more)
