Inaction by West Increases the Danger in Libya and Syria

BLOOMBERG:  Across the Arab world, centuries of authoritarian traditions are crumbling. Unfortunately, the bitter truth is that the West has been almost absent in the creation of a new Arab order, unlike its deep involvement in Eastern Europe after communism’s collapse. ..

To Assad and Qaddafi, Mubarak was the liberal, the friend of the West. If this is how the West allows its friends to be treated, what would happen to us, they may wonder. As a result, the two strongmen will no doubt fight even harder to save themselves and their families from the fate of the Mubarak clan. And that is the West’s problem as the slaughter in Syria escalates and the civil war in Libya drags on.

The rulers of Syria and Libya see no way out. Exile is unthinkable. Qaddafi and one of his sons have already been indicted by the International Criminal Court. Assad probably expects to be indicted, too. And if Mubarak’s fate is what happens with a trial at home, Qaddafi and Assad feel like so far they have escaped from death row. Surrender isn’t an option…  (more)
