In support of saving PAM

Watchdog is absolutely correct. The current board and administration at PAM are desparately trying to keep the doors open. An independent opinion from an out-of-state music school structured similarly to PAM indicates that PAM has everything in place to emerge from bankruptcy, EXCEPT widespread community support. Where is Lancaster and it’s generous souls?

With school budgets cutting musical education, PAM has stepped into the breach, providing musical instruction outreach to schools. We’ve all heard how students do so much better in math when a strong musical education is blended into their curriculum. Can Lancaster really afford to ignore the plight of PAM, and risk losing this valuable resource?

It would be very sad, indeed, if this calibre of musical education ends, and this faculty is scattered to the winds. Lancaster will be VERY sorry if this happens.



  1. I think music education is wonderful and it would be awesome if PAM could supplement the schools but PAM made a horrible mistake by bringing lawsuits against past supporters. Any big donors who would have the capacity to support them would be foolish to make a commitment to this organization. That action further eroded any public support that was left for PAM.

    Additionally, while again I think PAM can do great work, there are many other non profits that are more critical to the city’s success.

  2. “Where is Lancaster and it’s generous souls?”

    Well I will give you one simple answer: the “generous souls” are still trying to mend their wounds from when they supported the Academy in the first place. PAM could have been a GREAT school, even outstanding…but it was the elitist mentality of the fonders that sent this school on a down the path which has lead them to where they are right now.

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