In search of a missing Inquirer revelation


Capitol Wire and Google report a Philadelphia Inquirer article today: “Philadelphia law firm paid PA Supreme Court Justice McCaffery’s wife $821,000 referral fee. PA Supreme Court Chief Justice Castille cited.”

But it can’t be accessed.




Yes this is very interesting. I’ve been following this vanishing story all morning.

At 3:05 am a Google alert went out with the following:

Justice’s wife got $821000 referral fee

Philadelphia Inquirer
By Craig McCoy

Lise Rapaport is a lawyer, but she has no clients.

Her job is working as the top court aide to her husband, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Seamus P. McCaffery.
She also has pursued another line of business over the last decade, referring potential plaintiffs to personal-injury law firms and getting paid handsomely for it.

McCaffery’s financial disclosures and other records show that on 18 occasions since 2003, private lawyers have paid referral fees to Rapaport for bringing them clients.

Another link to the story on the web included this morsal:

How Supreme Court Justice McCaffery’s wife, who is a state employee, got an $821K referral fee.



1 Comment

  1. So weird. I read the article and told my wife to read it (we are both Philadelphia attorneys) and she said, ‘what article’? It was up. But not for long.

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