In Portland, Ore., bikes rule the road


…At the street level, many Portlanders go about their daily lives in ways that would be unfamiliar to most Americans. Downtown and near-city neighborhoods are awash in bikes and bike lanes, delivery bikes dot the urban landscape and bars aren’t encased in massive parking lots — they have bike corrals out front.

Portland boasts that 6% of all trips to work are by bike, the highest percentage of bike commuters in any large U.S. city, says Dan Anderson of the Portland Bureau of Transportation.

Even kids get around differently. Nationally, only 13% of children walk or bike to school, according to the National Household Travel Survey. Here, 31% do, in part because of a program that gives every public school student between fourth and 10th grade a 12-week course on how to ride a bicycle safely…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Mayor Rick Gray and township officials:  Take note. Instead of street cars, Lancaster needs bike lanes.  Our terrain is relatively level and the main streets wide enough.   Most people in Lancaster sure could use the exercise…and the money saved.
