In meeting, Obama to warn Netanyahu against military strikes on Iran

WASHINGTON POST:  President Obama plans to caution Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week against attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the coming months, urging patience while international economic sanctions take full effect.

Obama’s meeting with Netanyahu on Monday begins a critical week in his effort to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions and preserve the trust of the United States’ closest Middle East ally. Israeli leaders have made clear they think time is running out to stop Iran from achieving the ability to build a nuclear weapon…

“We’re trying to make the decision to attack as hard as possible for Israel,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations…  (more)

 EDITOR: Netanyahu may believe that he, rather than President Obama, can determine American foreign policy due to wide spread support for Israel in the USA, especially  among Evangelists and Jews. Obama needs to remind him of how President Dwight Eisenhower reacted to the Suez war of 1956, when Israel, France and Egypt jointly attacked Egypt. The bully Netanyahu must understand that this time the USA may not have Israel’s back.
