Impact of Convention Center on downtown business

About two weeks ago I went down to Market for the first time in ages as the construction and weather are hard to deal with.  Had conversations with several of my booth owner friends and found it quite interesting what they had to say about the Convention Center.

When there is an event at the CC like cheer leading, etc when a lot of people come in from out of the area, Market is flooded with breakfast and lunch business.  Several owners say that is what is keeping them going right now.  People go out of the CC looking for affordable food.  When a wedding or more formal event is booked, the hotel refers quests to the stores for shirts, ties etc.  They are asked to keep positive until all the center city renovations are done…

The restaurants are doing their business from local trade and parking is as always tough.

My sources continue to tell me of vandalism right on Queen and King for patrons and that is a turn off.  The incidents somehow are just not getting reported. The Mayor is gun ho on making Lancaster City the place to live, work and play but I am afraid the taxes are chasing the middle class out and those that can afford to stay do not have enough activity of late…

Attended a luncheon at the Eden yesterday.  They have invested a lot of money there and may I add that the restaurant was full, 3 meeting rooms and the lobby was active.  I wonder what was going on at the Marriott in the city?

The lady that owns the farm that High had earmarked for his Shopping Mall was at my table.  Boy did I have fun with my two guests about the highway money High did not get and how we do not need more shopping…  The lady asked what I thought should be built there and a jokester as I am I replied “definitely NOT another Marriott with a Convention Center!”  My guests had a good laugh.
