Icon of future? York peppermint candy made in Mexico!

Our Congressman, Joe Pitts, is not evaluated on what he brings home to his district but how dependable he is for the corporate & GOP political interests who put him there, albeit not without the help of a co-dependent, plantation mentality, electorate.

Pitts gets a 92% lifetime rating from the voice of business interests, the American Chamber of Commerce, and a 5% lifetime rating from the AFL-CIO. This is far from the balance we have a right to expect from a person who is supposed to represent the entire community . . business and working people.

The Pitts record is, sadly, just additional evidence of the local rule by wealth/power that we have seen in the Hotel & Convention Center story. Tragically, this Lancaster County experience seems to be only a microcosm of our entire nation. When will we learn the power of money and media to manipulate?

Just like the corporate hired thugs of the early union busting days, we have the same leg breakers today serving the same people, but using ever more effective tools and technology to corrupt persons and institutions to sell out our American experiment with representative democracy. The power of money and the power of ignorance have combined to virtually destroy it. The final chapter in this story, almost complete, is the brutally effective tool of money and power to move jobs around the globe to teach labor its final lesson.

Icon of our future? Yesterday I bought a “York Peppermint Patty” made in Mexico. When the corporate manipulators tell us that we cannot even manufacture a peppermint patty competitively in the USA, we have reached a certain bottom in the manipulation of the American worker.

Ordinary workers cannot depend on Joe Pitts’ 5% to help them at all. Still, many will vote for him. Sad.



  1. the AFL-CIO gave Patrick Toomey a zero rating in 2004 and a lifetime rating of 7%. He should not go to the Senate (IMV).

    The US Chamber of Commerce ratings for Toomey are not available (on the USCC site) for the years he was in office.

  2. Love your letter – right on target! You did leave out how big business sells the wonders of capitalism to the masses (to explain job losses ), but rushes to the front of the line for government handouts.

  3. So how long are the citizens of The United States going to allow business to keep leaving our country due to the rules and regulations that are being forced on them. Our wonderful labor unions have killed the good jobs for the middle class. Don’t blame the union members, but you can definitely blame the leadership for their agenda.

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