In an article Breaking Our Addiction to Prison,” former Drug “Czar” Gen. Barry McCaffrey is quoted as saying:

“Our traditional justice system has been inadequate to the task of breaking the cycle of substance abuse and crime. Four out of every five offenses are committed by someone with a drug or alcohol problem; and we just keep locking them up!”

“In just the past 20 years alone, state prison systems have added 1 million new cells to incarcerate the 2.3 million adults now behind bars in the U.S. That’s far more than any other country on the globe with 1 out of every 100 adult Americans currently serving time. Approximately one-half of these individuals are addicted to drugs or alcohol and most do not pose a serious threat to public safety.

“Prison for these individuals has accomplished little to stem the tide of crime or substance abuse. Upon their release from prison, two thirds of drug abusers commit a new crime and virtually all relapse quickly to drug abuse.”

WATCHDOG: And the County is considering building a new, larger prison? Three wags of the tail for McCaffery, and a snarl for the commissioners.

Updated: July 29, 2009 — 6:21 am