“John Edwards Trial Turns Tragedy Into Crime, Says Eliot Spitzer” is the heading on the web site.

Article reports “ …Here is an excerpt from Spitzer’s remarks, via ABC News:

“’This is an unfortunate tragedy of a story, where the jury, at the end of the day, will have to distinguish, based upon what will be very careful instructions from the judge, distinguish between a human tragedy and what may or may not be a crime. And I do not know the evidence or the law sufficiently to render an opinion on that. I have long thought that, especially because I was attorney general and governor, I should speak with some greater care with respect to ongoing litigations and trials, but I think the pivotal issue here is whether or not the Justice Department is properly — or improperly; I want to be neutral in the way I phrase it — turning a human tragedy into a crime.’”

“Spitzer said he worries that the issues ‘will be fought over in the courtroom emotionally’ rather than argued based on campaign finance laws…”

WATCHDOG: The heading grossly misrepresents what Elliot Spitzer, which is evident from the above excerpt.  He asks the question; he doesn’t make an accusation.

Updated: April 25, 2012 — 12:34 pm