HPT protests met with threats

All of this speculation and innuendo is off the mark, incomplete and irresponsible.

The $750K in question is for change orders that were never officially approved by Historic Preservation Trust. The majority of this work was disproportionately assigned to the Trust by the General Contractor and there was nothing much they could do about it.

At every turn when the Trust did protest or stand up for itself they were accused of delaying the project and worried that if this was put forth by the partners that their fund raising would be harmed. They were between a rock and a hard place.

In addition, the same economy that bit every one in the ass created a perfect storm that leaves them where they now stand. There were broken promises by the county commissioners, irresponsible architects and under qualified staff.

What is truly ironic is that the High machine that tried to wipe the properties off the site, including the Montgomery House, are now what the CC puts forth as their unique feature and most laudable act. The Trust has been asked to fore go the KY. This is another example of why this community will never achieve what it thinks it already has.


1 Comment

  1. The question remains: will the Historic Preservation Trust survive the Stevens/Smith fiasco?

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