How to Lose an Election Despite Holding All the Cards

NEWSMAX: …Money in the bank is usually a strong indicator of support. Cantor’s loss proves that a well-funded candidate supported by outside groups and super-political action committees doesn’t always carry the day.

It’s a lesson that has emerged before: Karl Rove’s two political organizations spent nearly $200 million in 2012 on 22 races and only won seven. Connecticut’s Linda McMahon spent $100 million of her own money on two Senate campaigns and lost both times.

Cantor spent roughly $5 million through May 21, his reports show, and much of it was clearly not focused on his own race. Many of the expenses were connected to his travels across the country to help other candidates as part of his leadership role… (more)

EDITOR: Cantor will likely be back in Congress in two years, if he so chooses. Let’s hope he uses the time to better educate himself and to mature as an individual.
