How petty will Franklin and Marshall be?


By William J. Cluck, Attorney At Law

F&M’s environmental consultant (ARM) recently submitted to the state DEP the final report purporting to document the cleanup of the former town dump in Manheim Township where they intend to locate an expansion of the Dillerville Rail Yard. A copy has been provided for public review at Manheim Township’s municipal offices and the library. DEP does not intend to hold a public hearing to present the report’s findings and conclusions or to allow public questions or comments.

F&M will not provide a courtesy copy to CAARRT, the community group identified in F&M’s own plan as the organization designated for public outreach and comment. They want to charge $250 for a disc with the report on it. That is rather petty considering the millions of tax dollars invested in this project. Instead CAARRT’s out of town experts will have to drive to Manheim Township (after having to make a right to know request to review the file during normal business hours) in order to review the report.

And F&M wonders why the East Hempfield neighborhood is distrustful and resentful at their bullying tactics and pettiness.


1 Comment

  1. Adult students have much more to contend with than traditional college-aged students. They have the demands of jobs as well as the stresses of trying to find student loans that will allow them to go to university.

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