How Long Can Moammar Gadhafi Hang On?

AOL:  It’s the million-dollar question the Libyan people, the rest of the world — and perhaps even Col. Moammar Gadhafi himself — are asking: How long can he hang on?

As is becoming abundantly clear, Libya is different from other Arab countries experiencing popular revolts in recent weeks. Tunisia’s ousted president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, fled his country before any major violence could erupt, ensuring himself a comfortable exile in Saudi Arabia, which has long offered refuge to shamed dictators from across the Muslim world.
“To his credit, Ben Ali saw the reality, and that was it, he skedaddled,” Nadim Shehadi, a Middle East scholar at London’s Chatham House think tank, told AOL News. “But others, in Egypt until recently and certainly in Libya, are in a great bit of denial.” …  (more)
