How Bernie Sanders makes his mega-rallies

POLITICO: ….Bearded, he wore a t-shirt in the style of Shepard Fairey’s iconic image of Barack Obama — emblazoned instead with Sanders’ face and the message, “Hope is nice, but I prefer no bullsh—.” It was mid-afternoon on Monday, and the volunteer training did not begin until 7 p.m. But Paul Sherman, 68, was on campus and eager to help.

By the time the training rolled around, another 100-odd Sander-istas had materialized to learn the ropes of running a political rally on the fly. A day later they would be manning checkpoints, directing foot traffic, registering voters, collecting data on attendees, hawking merchandise and distributing water. A volunteer pep squad would give out campaign signs and lead cheers.

This is how the Summer of Sanders — the string of unexpectedly large campaign rallies that’s exceeding even Barack Obama’s 2007 draws with attendance that often numbers in the tens of thousands — has come together… (more)
