Hotel sales tax is going up

Both this and the response to said letter demonstrate what should have been obvious to anyone with any knowledge of the project, and that is the Hotel Tax is going up, with or without Kevin Fry or anyone else on the LCCCA board, and the LNPs articles (I.E. obfuscations) on this issue in recent weeks are red herrings.

I think the main issue behind the center remains whether or not a tax should be imposed on the competition to support its competition. One could, make, and many have made, a helluva good argument for a convention center in downtown Lancaster. But, one could also make a helluva a good argument that these types of arrangements set bad legal precedents and are fraught with a Pandora’s box of further complications which cannot be stopped. PSP borrowing the words from CSN: “I have my ship and all my flags are a flyn’…..”
