Home grown and natural!

I would like to see an-anti prescription drug week. Prescription drugs are life threatening in many, many cases.

I laugh when I hear the list of “possible side effects.” You can’t be sure the prescription drug will perform as they claim, or make your heath worse or even cause another health problem or even kill you.

I’m concerned about the drugs on the market that control a woman’s menstral cycle. That is just creepy. The government should be busting the pharmaceutical companies.

Marijuana is not a life threatening medicine nor are there any horrible side effects. Who are these opponents and what are they opposing exactly and why. Gateway drug? Any drug can be a gateway drug…..the FDA approved uppers, downers, all produced by the pharmaceutical companies.

If the government were ever to legalize marijuana, some people might buy it and smoke it but I would expect it to be of poor qualtiy, over-priced and most likely sprayed with some poisonous potion. Marijuana homegrown and natural is the way most smokers would want it produced. Legalize marijuana and keep the government out of it!!
