STATE COLLEGE COM Column: …The proof that Paterno and the others intentionally concealed Sandusky’s actions is a stretch, at best. The most damning evidence is a string of out-of-context emails. Unfortunately, the people who wrote these emails were never interviewed during the Freeh investigation, leaving it up to the reader to decide what they meant.
What I see evidenced in this report, along with the Grand Jury report, is a group of otherwise highly responsible, educated men who, like many others, did not recognize Sandusky for the monster he is. This is where the danger lies…
2. Paterno didn’t like Sandusky. Despite the assumption that Paterno and Sandusky were buddies, evidence in the new biography “Paterno” by Joe Posnanski shows that Paterno couldn’t stand him. If he had understood what Sandusky was doing, Paterno would have been happy to turn him in. There was no reason for anyone to protect Sandusky, especially since he meant nothing to the football team in terms of public relations by 2001… (more)