Holder to Wall St.: More Prosecutions Coming Over Financial Crisis

NEWSMAX: Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday the Justice Department is nearing decisions on several cases involving large financial institutions, and he plans to announce new prosecutions stemming from the 2008 economic meltdown.

“My message is, anybody who’s inflicted damage on our financial markets should not be of the belief that they are out of the woods because of the passage of time,” Holder told The Wall Street Journal. “If any individual or if any institution is banking on waiting things out, they have to think again.”…

The attorney general has said he did not plan to serve out the entire Obama administration term. But he said Tuesday he would not step down before making major charging decisions in cases stemming from the financial collapse… (more)

EDITOR: Unfortunately or unfortunately, depending upon whose ox was gored, there is no crime in knowingly participating in a legal “Ponzi” scheme, tolerated by the Federal Reserve Bank.
