Holder Leading DOJ ‘Cover-up’ of Fast and Furious Investigation, Sen. Cornyn Says

NEWSMAX:  Attorney General Eric Holder is leading what looks ‘more and more like a cover-up’ of what he knew about a government-sanctioned gunrunning scheme that allowed hundreds of assault weapons to fall into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels, says one of the key senators involved in the investigation….

Now he has hit back at the increasing criticism with an attempt to tie the Bush administration to Fast and Furious. He revealed that a similar scheme called Operation Wide Receiver was in operation in 2006….

Republicans are beginning to smell blood and are increasing pressure on Holder. Rep. Lamar Smith, of Texas, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee has called on President Barack Obama to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate how much he knew and when he knew it. Sen. John McCain revealed that the entire Arizona delegation to Congress was “leaning towards” a similar move… (more)

EDITOR:  The idea of recklessly selling automatic weapons with the ideas that they could be traced to drug kingpins was both both dumb in concept and then carelessly administrated.  The sooner the Obama Administration acknowledges the foul up  and acknowledges approval of the plan from high officials, the better off they will be.  To screw up is human; to cover up can be disasterous.   Ask Richard Nixon!
