Hillary and Bill Clinton Paid $43 Million in Federal Taxes

NEWSMAX / BOOMBERG NEWS: …The Clintons reported paying a federal tax rate of 35.7 percent in 2014 and donating 10.8 percent of their income to charity. They also paid $13.6 million in state and local taxes during that period.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chose to release the tax returns along with a letter from her doctor giving her a clean bill of health on an unusually busy summer Friday when the State Department released some of her e-mails from her time as secretary of state and the Federal Election Commission released super PAC donation records.

Taken together, the voluntary and involuntary disclosures amounted to “the most expansive, transparent release of documents ever,” Clinton senior strategist Joel Benenson, a Clinton strategist, said on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect,at about the same hour as the super PAC supporting Clinton, Priorities USA, made its filing with the FEC. With the latest release of tax documents, Benenson said, the Clintons will have made public 38 years of tax returns… (more)
