Hey conservatives, maybe the GOP does represent you after all

HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS Op Ed: …We Republicans can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of 2012, and in order to do so, we need to accept the unvarnished truth that the Republican Party, yes, the “establishment” to which the fringe-right refers, is on the right track, and actually represents “authentic conservatives”.

While we can all debate our right of center policies, we can’t allow ourselves to be stampeded off the cliff by the well-paid “conservatives for hire” at Freedomworks and the Heritage Foundation, or by countless radio hosts peddling books.

We have to advance our conservative ideas in a sober, civil manner, without name calling and bully boy tactics, which are better suited to the Third Reich than to America… (more)

Dwight Weidman has been the chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party
