Health law ruling reveals governors’ split

USA TODAY:  A 50-state survey by USA TODAY shows only Republican governors are refusing to expand Medicaid and only Democrats are vowing to expand it following the court’s ruling that states cannot be penalized for failing to enlarge the program. More than half the governors are undecided.

The partisan gulf exposes problems for the law as it staggers from the 5-4 court decision, past GOP efforts to repeal it in Congress and toward a November election that could decide its fate. Without broad action by states, millions more Americans will remain uninsured, hospitals will face continuing demands for uncompensated care, and insurers may be forced to raise premiums… 

About 16 million people were projected to gain Medicaid coverage under the law, 60% of whom live in states with Republican governors. The court ruling threw out threatened federal penalties against states that do not comply, freeing states to reconsider the expansion.…   (more)
