Health costs top PA business woes


Pennsylvania’s small businesses say rising health care costs, along with the recession and business and personal taxes are the biggest challenges they will face this year, according to a recent survey…

About 71 percent of the 250 businesses that responded to the survey said health care costs were their biggest challenge. More than 70 percent said that high business and personal taxes were a moderate-to-severe challenge to their business.

Increases in health care costs – ranging between 7 and 12 percent a year – are a “huge problem” for small business that isn’t being addressed by politicians in Washington, said Peter Cady, president of Command Systems Inc. of Oakmont. The company operates Advanced Mining Service, which repairs and sells coal mining equipment.

“You can’t pass those costs along. Nobody wants to hear that your health care costs went up,” Cady said…

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1 Comment

  1. Start with terminating the health insurance which we as taxpayers, fund for all members of the Senate and Congress. Let them find their own health insurance, deal with the refused coverages, pay the increasing costs……when U.S. citizens have a health care bill, then, and only then, offer the lawmakers the same options as all of America. You can BET something will get done!

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