Have We “Scratched the Surface” for Downtown Parking?

Some comments on your parking story.

If that new garage at Queen and Chesnut is a private one, doesn’t that mean a large private benefit is created by the County’s ownership and occupancy of 150 N. Queen? The reality is that the County, and its workers, will create far more benefit and economic stimulus to the private sector than the convention center ever will and at a fraction of the cost. Retail shops, food and beverage outlets, and other
service businesses will soon flourish in that area. Good move Dick and Molly!

The topic of contract parking also raises many questions about parking for the CC. Chris Barrett, PDCVB President, has said our conventions will take place mid-week. That is the same time period where most garages, public or LPA, will have standing commitments to downtown workers. How many spaces are really left after you subtract the contract parkers, and those spaces committed solely to the “private”
hotel in the existing King St. garage? Have we even scratched the surface on the need to provide parking to the downtown behemoth? I say NOT!
