Have board members used the restrooms?

As a regular user of the Duke Street library, I am very disappointed that the board of directors failed to take advantage of the best opportunity in years to begin the process of bringing this building into the 21st century.

Have the six naysayer board members ever actually patronized the library, other than showing up for a board meeting? Do they check out books, do research, use the microfiche machines, use the restrooms – ever?

Yes, this is a tough environment in which to do fund raising. Yes, it may have been necessary to arrange a temporary loan from the endowment fund. Yes, it may have been more difficult to raise the balance of the funds post construction. But…don’t these board members believe enough in their organization to make a commitment to do whatever it takes? If not, maybe they should give up their seats to community members who do.

I too feel sorry for Mrs. Field. I feel even worse for the families and kids who won’t benefit from a modern facility.
