Has the Rise of Women Turned Men Into Boys?

From the NY DAILY:

…Kay Hymowitz investigates why. A Wall Street Journal excerpt from the book, titled “Where Have the Good Men Gone?“, attracted an enormous number of comments, some of them irate, with many commenters accusing Hymowitz of…um… being mean to men. In her Daily Beast response, Hymowitz explained that she definitely wasn’t blaming pre-adult men for being confused. Just look at dating. Young women may be earning more, but they still tend to want the guys to pay. Or maybe they’re not exactly sure what they want. He pays on the first date and then we split? He pays on the first two dates and then I offer? We split everything, always? Unless he’s annoying. Let’s just see how funny and fascinating he is first.

MyDaily couldn’t wait to find out what’s really going on with 20-somethings. We wanted to learn more about the so-called “child-man” and his world. Because, after all, it’s our world, too. And it’d be nice to have some decent guys in it. It turned out there was a lot more to the story…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: With much trepedation, we raised the subject a couple of weeks ago expecting a fire storm.  It never came.  Circulation just continued to climb.
