Harrisburg debt crisis merits state or federal probe

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editoria:  … For years, Harrisburg’s citizen watchdogs, William Cluck and Eric Papenfuse, called for someone to look into the city’s peculiar finances. Even Mayor Linda Thompson claims she went to the FBI to alert it to unusual dealings when she was a City Council member.

Something wasn’t quite adding up, and a lot of it had to do with the Harrisburg Authority, the entity set up to oversee the city’s water, sewer and trash. The Authority was taking on a lot of debt, some of which was backed by the city and county, which often received guarantor fees…

Recently, the chorus of people calling for an investigation has grown. It started with David Unkovic, a bond lawyer with years of experience. He was appointed by the governor to work with Harrisburg on a recovery plan. He quickly realized something was very off…  (more)

