Harrisburg City Council: City can’t proceed with state recovery plan without accountability for debt

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:   Harrisburg City Council said again today that the city can’t move forward with a responsible fiscal recovery plan until there is accountability for the $326 million of incinerator debt that pushed Harrisburg over a financial cliff.

Council pointed to incriminating testimony former Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic gave under oath last month, and the editorial he penned in the Sunday edition of The Patriot-News in which he spoke of corruption involving the financing of the incinerator retrofit project that buried the city in debt.

“Gov. (Tom) Corbett’s failure to support his own appointee’s call for an investigation makes it appear as though he is only interested in public corruption if it provides the governor with political gain,” council said in a written statement. “If the process proceeds on its current course, the city will be forced to liquidate assets and raise taxes on low-income residents to pay a bill that could be significantly lowered or more widely shared through bankruptcy.” … (more)

EDITOR:  Tom Corbett wasn’t about to investigate as attorney general and we doubt that he will be supportive of an investigaiton as governor.  Any investigation will be a threat to the establishment, Republicans and Democrats alike.
