Harper characterizes Fry as “experienced liar” at press conference

By Christiaan Hart-Nibbrig

An emotional, still angry Ron Harper, Jr. today detailed the lawsuit he filed in Federal Court last week against outgoing Franklin & Marshall president, John Fry, and members of the F&M administrative and security staffs. The suit also names as defendants the Lancaster Police Department, and a local politically-connected law firm Barley Snyder.

“I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t do this,” said Harper, his voice often breaking during the 50-minute press conference.

The suit is based on an incident that occurred just over two years ago, on June 03, 2008, when Harper and this writer were arrested and detained as we were placing a newspaper box next to a bus stop, on a corner of public property adjacent to the college-owned residence of Fry.  At the time, Harper and I were co-publishers of the Lancaster Post newspaper, which had recently published an article critical of the district attorney’s office and Fry.  Harper, who was not resisting, was thrown, face first, to the ground by at least three of the officers.   I witnessed this from about 10 feet away

The lawsuit, which covers alleged First Amendment violations and false imprisonment issues, was filed last week in U.S. District Court and seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

In his wide ranging remarks today at Mulberry Arts Studios, Harper gave a PowerPoint presentation that suggested a connection between the “powers that be” in Lancaster County.  Harper named Franklin & Marshall College, the law firm of Barley Snyder, High Industries, Fulton Bank, and Lancaster Newspapers as major parts of this power hegemony.

Although several members of the F&M staff are named in the lawsuit, Harper clearly has a particular disdain for Fry, who will take over as President of Drexel University next month.

“John Fry is an experienced liar!” bellowed Harper during his remarks.  “John Fry wanted to punish me because I wrote something he didn’t like.  When you challenge the ‘powers that be,’ all they do is lie!”

A pointed moment during the lengthy press event (covered by several media, including WGAL-TV, but not Lancaster Newspapers) happened when Harper showed a videotape of the June 3, 2008 incident.  On the tape, it shows the Franklin & Marshall officers rushing Harper, who is standing on a public street filming the confrontation.  Harper yells, “Don’t touch me,” right before one of the officers grabs the camera and the camera shuts off.

At today’s conference, after showing the clip, Harper addressed the cameramen in attendance.  “Do they do that to you?” he asked, voice cracking with emotion.  “If they do that to me, you’re next.”

When asked by NewsLanc why he waited two years after the incident to file the suit, Harper responded:  “I wanted someone else to do right the wrong, the city police, the D.A.”

Harper, who is representing himself in court, said he approached several local attorneys about taking his case, but all declined.  Harper would not name the Lancaster County lawyers he approached.

Toward the end of the conference, NewsLanc asked what emotional impact the incident had on his life.  Harper, overcome with emotions, could not answer.  His wife, Melody, spoke as Harper left to get a glass of water.

“Our family has suffered,” said Melody Harper, a pretty mother of five.  “My husband is a good man.

Ron Harper, who is not currently associated with any news organization or website,  indicated there was no schedule for the jury trial.  “I haven’t served them yet, but I filed [the lawsuit.]”



  1. Where is the legal defense fund?

  2. Why hasn’t anyone mentioned Harper’s April 22, 2010 arrest for harassment and trespass?

    Just askin’.

  3. Gads. When will this crap end?

  4. I watched the tape of the alleged assault and saw nothing to indicate that an assault occurred. What it does seem like is that Mr. Harper, while he may be a “good man” as his wife characterizes him, doesn’t have a grasp of reality or a real respect of the law as it applies to EVERYONE; not just his distorted self-serving view.

  5. It makes no sense at all. Harper is a good actor. The video shows no proof of being violated. It’s just Ron acting dramatic to try and get the security in trouble. As for his emotions during his little “show”, they were fake. As for the little booboo on his head, of course you will get thrown to the ground if you struggle with the police. The video itself proves that Harper struggled because he continued to shoot when asked to turn the camera off. You have no right to video tape anyone without documentation, so anyone from authority to citizens have the right to turn your camera off if they do not feel comfortable.

    As for the location:
    Why would you flirt with the line on the location of your red box? Yes, it is public property. BUT it is no different than a man harassing his ex-girlfriend. I’ve seen this plenty of times from angry ex lovers. They are told to stay away, and off a persons property, so they stand on a street and say, “well this is not her property, it’s public property.” Funny thing is, it is still trespassing and harassment. And to put it out front of Fry’s property just shows Harper wanted trouble. People do not really stop in that area to get papers. So that was a threatening move on Harpers part.

    All in all it’s just a stunt to gain publicity. Harper’s father, if he’s the same one, was a good football coach. Jr. probably is the family disgrace and this is the only way to make daddy proud….ha!

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