The following is a monthly report for July from a comparable size city:
Twenty-two participants were tested for HIV in July.
Total contacts: 435
Total IDU contacts: 370
Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 324
Syringes: 3790
Condoms distributed: Male- 2016, Female-45, Dental Dams-43 Finger Cots-60
Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:
African American male: 49
White Male: 50
Latino: 93
African American female: 37
White female: 52
Latina: 43
We completed 347 referrals for various services.
This month, as a result of our 107 total D&A referrals, eleven participants entered into drug treatment facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are not aware.
The Urban League had offered to establish a state of the art syringe exchange here in Lancaster. Despite its vast profits, Lancaster General Hospital refuses to help fund the effort.
Syringe exchanges are perhaps the most effective way of combatting the spread of HIV / AIDS and other social diseases and helping addicts to secure heath care, become productive, and return to loved ones.
The most effective way of combatting the spread of HIV / AIDS and other social diseases and helping addicts to secure heath care, become productive, and return to loved ones is to stop taking the damn drugs.