Gulf Arabs Deny Arms to Syria Rebels

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  Gulf Arab rulers have sent little to Syria’s opposition in the way of weapons, money or fighters despite their own international calls to do so, say people close to the Saudi government, Syrian rebel commanders and Syrian exiles involved in the aid effort.

The Gulf leaders say the Syrian rebels need to be able to better defend themselves, but they also share some of the same concerns as the West about any extremists among forces opposing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, these people say. The U.S. and others haven’t advocated arming the rebels, in part out of fear it would create an even more bloody and prolonged conflict.

For now, commanders of the Syrian opposition, outgunned and outmanned by Mr. Assad’s forces, are having to turn away the Saudi young men who are beginning to call to volunteer, one Syrian rebel officer said at a military camp of the rebel Free Syrian Army inside Turkey…  (more)

EDITOR:  We note the contradiction between today’s news articles on Syria.   Also, with such high unemployment in the Middle East, recruiting an army to fight the Syrian regime should not be difficult provided they receiving training and guns.  Apparently, the Turks will see to that.
