Groups call for Corbett to step down as attorney general while campaigning


State Attorney General Tom Corbett’s office quickly rejected a call from citizens groups and unions Tuesday for Mr. Corbett to step down as the state’s chief prosecutor while he runs for governor.

A spokesman for Mr. Corbett, who polls show is the leading Republican candidate for governor in the May 18 primary, said he has no intention of resigning…

Groups at an anti-Corbett news conference included two that were active in helping overturn the legislative pay raise of 2005, Democracy Rising PA and Rock the Capital. Others were two labor unions, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the Service Employees International Union, plus the Americans for Democratic Action and Health Care for America Now…

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1 Comment

  1. Call the AG’s office and listen to Tom Corbett’s voice espouse over and again all the great things “he” has done: “I” have initiated the child sex protection. “I” have started the insurance fraud protection, “I” have started the senior protection, “I” “I” “I”.

    Sounds like a campaign add playing for everyone who calls the attorney generals office.

    In fact I ran into an AG investogator and asked him what the rest of them do since Tom says he does it all. He smiled a big “Yeah he’ a egotoid” smile.

    A couple years ago a top cop told me “Tom Corbett’s main job as Attorney General is to become Governor”. Looks like he had it pegged.

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