Greece: Gadhafi Seeking Way Out, but Cease-Fire Must Come First

AOL:   ATHENS, Greece — After weeks of civil unrest, fighting and a rising death toll, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is making diplomatic overtures, seeking a way out of the crisis.

Abdelati Obeidi, Libya’s deputy foreign minister and one of Gadhafi’s most trusted aides, flew to Athens over the weekend to push that agenda through Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou…

Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas attended the two-hour talks at a sprawling conference hall across from Papandreou’s private residence in Kastri, a northern suburb of Athens. Droutsas said the Libyan government was “seeking a solution” but stressed that any talk of a political compromise had to begin with Tripoli’s agreement to “an immediate cease-fire … and full respect of United Nations Security Council resolutions.”…   (more)
