Greece faces shut-down amid massive strikes


ALJAZEERA:  Public transport and media workers have opened a week of strikes in Greece, contesting fresh austerity measures needed for a lifeline from creditors which the government is due to introduce to parliament.

The Athens metro was shut, and only one tram line was running on Monday, while Athens’ 14.000 taxi drivers halted services, severely disrupting traffic in the capital.

The country was also hit by a media blackout as print, broadcast and electronic media journalists staged a 24-hour strike. Service at hospitals was slow as only some employees turned up to work…  (more)

EDITOR:  The longer efforts are made to keep Greece in the Euro Zone, the worse things will be for Greece, the Euro Zone, the European Union and the world economy.  Let those people go!


1 Comment

  1. Amen to the Editor. The Euro was a bad idea to begin with. You can’t have wealthy states subsidizing poor states forever. It never works. Let the Greeks choose, and pay for, the kind of country, and economy, they want. This goes for the other Euro countries too.

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