Grand Old Party in search of brand-new message

FINANCIAL TIMES: …Amid signs of recrimination that the richly endowed Romney campaign had failed to take advantage of a feeble economy to oust Barack Obama, Republicans had to swallow a bitter truth: for five out of the past six presidential elections they have failed to win the popular vote.

In key voter categories – educated whites, suburban women and, crucially, the growing Hispanic population – Mr Romney failed to make inroads. The conclusion that demographics is electoral destiny has never been truer: the Democratic party can now win less than 50 per cent of the white vote and still capture the White House…

Much will depend on three Republicans: John Boehner, the House speaker; Paul Ryan, Mr Romney’s vice-presidential running mate and the de facto leader of the conservative wing of the House Republicans; and Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader. In the aftermath of defeat, none seems ready to give ground; but this may change in the New Year as business leaders step up pressure for an agreement on the budget…   (more)
