Graham Spanier may face charges over e-mails about Sandusky

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: …Investigators have uncovered e-mails that raise the specter of criminal charges being brought against former Penn State president Graham B. Spanier for his handling of child sexual abuse allegations against assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, sources said Monday.

The e-mails between Spanier and two former administrators – Timothy Curley and Gary Schultz – included the suggestion it would be “humane” not to contact authorities after Sandusky was seen showering with a young boy in a university locker room. It was unclear from the e-mails, sources said, whether the administrators had been told Sandusky was allegedly molesting the boy as well, as has been claimed since.

While lawyers for Curley and Schultz portrayed the e-mails as showing the administrators trying to “responsibly deal” with the allegations, sources said that the university is preparing for the possibility of charges being brought against Spanier, who was forced to resign in the wake of the scandal…  (more)
